Gschnas #02: KWGNSS


Solo Exhibition

Location - ARM Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Date - 1999

Collaborators -Jan van Schaik


Kenchiku wa gomi no sei sei (KWGNSS) can be variously translated as: built form generated from discarded material, architecture made from rubbish, or shelter produced from waste.

Kenchiku wa gomi no sei seiis the second work produced for exhibition by a collaboration between Charles Anderson and Jan van Schaik. In part this collaboration explores the implications across disciplines of geometries and procedures developed from a consideration of human and machine residues.

In this particular work, a complex three dimensional object - generated by computer modelling of a human body stain - is rescaled, animated and merged with an eleven story car park and office space. As this object rotates through the building a fragment emerges into the gallery. Appearing momentarily, it reconfigures the space before moving on and disappearing out of the building. This fragment briefly materialised in cardboard provokes new geometries and suggests new modes of habitation and shelter.

Generated from stains, themselves traces of human presence and of temporal process, Kenchiku wa gomi no sei sei is perhaps a delay in cardboard.








