test by Simone Steel


SAALA was formerly established in 2016 as part of the transformation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture orginally founded by Charles Anderson and Cath Stutterheim in 2003. Charles continues as the director of SAALA with Cath, having retired as an active partner, contributing on selected projects as a consultant Senior Landscape Architect.

SAALA works on a project by project basis. For each project we establish project specific teams and collaborative partnerships to deliver design excellence across all scales of the fields of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design.

SAALA continues to build on the award winning reputation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture for the design of resilient, urbane and experientially rich environments. 

SAALA maintains its long held ethos as a Landscape Architecture practice grounded in two inter-dependent qualities: an awareness that our fundamental responsibility is to the Earth as the dominant force with which we negotiate as designers, and a fine-grained attentiveness to the cultural, temporal and spatial,  material and immaterial forces which constitute place. 

Links: www.saala.com.au

second news post by Simone Steel


SAALA was formerly established in 2016 as part of the transformation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture orginally founded by Charles Anderson and Cath Stutterheim in 2003. Charles continues as the director of SAALA with Cath, having retired as an active partner, contributing on selected projects as a consultant Senior Landscape Architect.

SAALA works on a project by project basis. For each project we establish project specific teams and collaborative partnerships to deliver design excellence across all scales of the fields of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design.

SAALA continues to build on the award winning reputation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture for the design of resilient, urbane and experientially rich environments. 

SAALA maintains its long held ethos as a Landscape Architecture practice grounded in two inter-dependent qualities: an awareness that our fundamental responsibility is to the Earth as the dominant force with which we negotiate as designers, and a fine-grained attentiveness to the cultural, temporal and spatial,  material and immaterial forces which constitute place. 

Links: www.saala.com.au

test news post by Simone Steel


SAALA was formerly established in 2016 as part of the transformation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture orginally founded by Charles Anderson and Cath Stutterheim in 2003. Charles continues as the director of SAALA with Cath, having retired as an active partner, contributing on selected projects as a consultant Senior Landscape Architect.

SAALA works on a project by project basis. For each project we establish project specific teams and collaborative partnerships to deliver design excellence across all scales of the fields of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design.

SAALA continues to build on the award winning reputation of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture for the design of resilient, urbane and experientially rich environments. 

SAALA maintains its long held ethos as a Landscape Architecture practice grounded in two inter-dependent qualities: an awareness that our fundamental responsibility is to the Earth as the dominant force with which we negotiate as designers, and a fine-grained attentiveness to the cultural, temporal and spatial,  material and immaterial forces which constitute place. 

Links: www.saala.com.au