dis/appearance: repatriation


Exhibited in - The Boundary Rider,  Sydney Biennale

Location - The Wool Store, Sydney, Australia

Date - 1992/3

he dis/appearance project is best described as an ongoing ‘thinking in matter’. This project aims to critique current hierarchies and taxonomies of space and aims to explore alternatives to the dominant paradigm of material production. It seeks to locate other possibilities of visibility, other possible formations and inscriptions of the spatial, and other possible forms of production and documentation.

The dis/appearance project investigates places of being and becoming, with a particular focus upon places of waiting: the hospital ward, the doctor’s surgery, the refugee centre, and places of recuperation and recovery. These places of appearance are understood as the place where our selves and those of others, normally transparent and absent, become troublingly opaque and present. Thus waiting rooms became identified as not only the ‘places of making and unmaking’ but as the collection points of brokenness, of things and people who have succumbed to time and paradoxically fallen out of time.

dis/appearance repatriation, is a meditation upon just such a place of waiting, evoking the fragility, temporality and homelessness of both people and things in our contemporary world.

A work of in-between things carefully arranged, or posed, to inhabit and reconfigure a transitional space, dis/appearance repatriation is a tableau, a kind of delay and as such seeks to articulate a poetics of the in-between.



  • Anthony Bond (ed), The Boundary Rider: 9th Biennale of Sydney, The Biennale of Sydney, 1992.

  • Elwyn Lynn, “Mind over matresses”, The Australian Weekend Review, 2 January, 1993


