Technics and Touch: Body-Matter-Machine
dis/appearance: repatriation
A House for Hermes #07
Cloud Chamber #01
An Architecture of Stains
Bodily Algorithms
Re/Generative Tools
A House for Hermes #05
Thickened Landscapes
Ground Truthing
Technics and Touch: Body-Matter-Machine
Technics and Touch: Body-Matter-Machine
dis/appearance: repatriation
dis/appearance: repatriation
A House for Hermes #07
A House for Hermes #07
Cloud Chamber #01
Cloud Chamber #01
An Architecture of Stains
An Architecture of Stains
Bodily Algorithms
Bodily Algorithms
Re/Generative Tools
Re/Generative Tools
A House for Hermes #05
A House for Hermes #05
Thickened Landscapes
Thickened Landscapes
Ground Truthing
Ground Truthing