Touch Stone
Interactive Public Art Project
Year - 2017
Client - City of Casey
Scope - Sketch design through to contract admin
Location - Clyde North Community Centre, Selandra Rise, Victoria
Budget - $150,000
Team - CAStudios in collaboration with Jordan Lacey, Ross McLeod, Chuan Khoo
Touch Stone is an interactive artwork integrated into the plaza of the Clyde North Community Centre. The stone vibrates the ground when it is touched. Every dawn and dusk the artwork creates a performance for the community based on the interactions that have occurred during the day.
+ Lacey, J., McLeod, R. Anderson, C. and Khoo, C., ‘The Artwork Remembers: designing a methodology for community-based urban design’, in Vaughan, L. (Ed) 2018 Designing Cultures of Care, Bloomsbury Academic, London.
+ Lacey, J., McLeod, R. Anderson, C. and Khoo, C., ‘Touchstone: a discussion of a digitally integrated artwork designed to facilitate community engagement’, Responsive Cities: Active Public Space, Barcelona, 2017.
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