Sound Fountain
Public Realm / Urban Infrastructure
Year - 2018
Client - City of Melbourne / University Square
Public Art Commission
Scope - Master plan, concept design, design development and construction design
Location - University Square, Melbourne, Australia
Budget - $-
Team - CAStudios, Jordan Lacey, Chuan Khoo, Ross McLeod, Mick Harding
Sound Fountain creates an imaginary connection with the two ancient creeks buried beneath the site of University Square Melbourne, by bringing to the surface those songs and stories that flow through the land. Just as a fountain draws from subterranean waterways to bring nourishment to the surface, so does the Sound Fountain draw stories from the land to immerse visitors in evocative and interactive soundscapes that speak of the ongoing and interweaving histories of University Square. The work applies transformative interaction design technology as a means to evoke a sense of the enduring connection between land and culture for the past 60,000+ years. Our team included a member of the Kulin nations, whose indigenous surface imagery is both hand-drawn and digitally fabricated. This work was one of the three short-listed from a total of 73 applications.